steps in the wrong direction
what this app should be:
A viewfinder for your yi camera and a way to change the settings. and on the side maybe sharing features
what this app is now:
a new social network where you have to wait LOGINSCREEN to load, and then get the error that you are not connected to the internet.
Im only using this app to setip my shits and chamge the recording settings. I thimk its nice to see what other people can do with thetr yi but its not at all important.
MY RECOMENDATION: create a new stand allone app called yi viewfinder which only has 2 screens. a small viewfinder at the top and your settings and record button on the botton. The second one is your album. not more not less. we still have this app if we want to share our creations, but I just want to setul my shots as fast as possible.
I believe im you
ccdff2 about
YI Action, v3.0.0